NUFORC UFO Sighting 143978

Occurred: 2013-11-03 06:45 Local
Reported: 2018-12-06 13:27 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Morristown, TN, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Left a trail, Emitted other objects, Possible abduction

On November 3rd, 2013 between 6:45am and 7:30am, three coworkers and I went outside to the parking lot of the business I was employed at to observe a solar eclipse that was occurring that morning. It was supposed to be visible from the east coast. Unfortunately, where we were located in east Tennessee, we were unable to see it, but while we were out we noticed a strange, fiber type, spider web like material falling on us. We made an attempt to touch or catch this material but upon contact with it, it disintegrated and disappeared before our eyes! We then looked up, and approximately 75 to 100 feet above us, there was a rust or copper colored UFO. It did not look like any UFO I have seen before in pictures. It was a turtle shell like object, flat on the bottom, with 4 objects dangling from it almost like a prehistoric craft the size of two regular size trucks.

We then reached to grab our phones to capture a picture of it and as we looked back up at it, it "flew" away north east at a ridiculously fast speed. Like it was in warpspeed. Leaving behind a trail of white light that also disappeared within seconds! This thing looked like nothing I have ever seen before. It had to have come from behind us in the western direction because we did not see or know of its coming upon us. It was also silent, it made no noise. It had no lights, nothing. It was all the same color.

Have you ever seen or heard of an experience like this before? I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it. It makes me feel as if I am loosing my mind. I KNOW this happened and was real. I have witnesses. Anyone I have told this story to automatically assumed I am crazy. I was listening to Coast to Coast the other night and heard about you so I am reaching out for help. I think back and can remember black helicopters flying around this area days before.

I contacted the sheriff in our town to ask what they may be looking for and he informed me those were not his helicopters, he had no idea what they were doing. Can you offer me any advice or information on what this may have been? What would it have wanted from us? Why would this happen? It was as if everything was in slow motion until it disappeared. This bothers me daily. It is all I think about anymore. I lose sleep over this. Can you help me?

Posted 2018-12-14

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