NUFORC UFO Sighting 143933
Occurred: 2018-11-26 23:26 LocalReported: 2018-11-30 20:14 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes plus ??
No of observers: 2
Location: Perry, FL, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
I noticed two green dots way up in the sky. As we kept driving they got more vivid. I insisted on stopping so I can take a picture. The view from my camera phone showed the object bouncing up and down and left and right sort of in the same area though. I took about 10 or 15 pictures. Then I zoomed in with my camera and begin to make a video. It was changing colors from blue to green to Yellow to Orange. It seems to have a distinct Ring around The edge with a few spiky shaped things coming around the outside edge. Maybe three of them? It started shooting way up high and down low in all directions to the left and the right all corners of my camera screen blinking and changing colors all the while. Towards the end it was zipping back and forth so fast it seems to split off in two or three different crafts. But I believe it was just the speed of the object that made it appear that way. It never did disappear the only reason I left is because the person that was ! with me insisted on going. I would have stayed there forever. I zoomed in on some of the still shots that I took later on. Amazing! I swear it seem to be a being in there with big dark eyes a little skinny neck and a greenish colored head. If you zoom in on some of the steel shots you'll see what I'm speaking of. It is the most amazing beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life! I would have stayed there all night until it went away if I had an option.
Posted 2018-12-06
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