NUFORC UFO Sighting 143911

Occurred: 2018-11-26 20:02 Local
Reported: 2018-11-28 07:52 Pacific
Duration: 25 seconds

Location: Columbia, MO, USA

Shape: Triangle

sky was clear enough I could see stars and even 2 planes higher in the sky.. I also saw a hawk or owl fly by moments before so I had a good reference point of looking.. I was at a school tossing Frisbee with my dog.. then very faint at first I see this triangle or more like v over head like 200-300 feet in the air.. it almost had no lights or faint lights on the 2 parts of the v at first I was like am I seeing something what is that.. I watched it for a good 20 more seconds pass straigt over the school it was very fast and made no noise.. but my eyes could clearly see this triangle v shapped object zoom over my head again I could see two planes at this time higher in the sky and saw a bird clearly visable .. this object was faint almost like a ghost but was clearly there as I watched it pass over.. I cant explain it was earie feeling.

Posted 2018-11-30

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