NUFORC UFO Sighting 143893

Occurred: 2018-11-25 14:00 Local
Reported: 2018-11-25 13:20 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Springfield/Tallaght (Ireland, , Ireland

Shape: Orb

Today, in the sky above my back yard, a green light appeared and began to move slowly across the sky before dissapearing again within minutes.... later again at dark a large bright light, which at first i thought it was an aircraft flyin towards me house got closer and closer in the sky then suddenly nothing?? The light fades within seconds??? It was huge in the sky... really strange no noise from it or nuting.. Definitley somw stranges things going on today in dublin skys.


Good Evening Peter

Yes the craft in the air was certainly no plane i have ever seen and certainly was far to large to be a drone..
It was definitley unidentifiable..
I live quite near Dublin Airport here in ireland and the Army Barricks and we are very use to all sorts of jets flying over. because our weather is quite poor lately the sky its just complete grey and sun not visable.. it could not have bein a glare either reflecting on a it was too low to catch a sun glare. it was some sort of large green light or orb sailing through the sky then just gone... and again later that nite same situation but a whiter light and much bigger id say a quater size of the moon.. then it was just gone in seconds not a sound or sonic boom to be heard.. both events were certainly rather unusual.. i would have loven to capture it but my phone memory was full it would not allow the camera to open.. before i got the chance to even delete a file the event was over...

I decided to report this purely because of the activity that has bein happenin in our skys here in ireland lately.. and thought you guys may find it interesting..
Hope this helps..

Best regards


Posted 2018-11-30

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