NUFORC UFO Sighting 143892
Occurred: 2018-04-20 18:00 LocalReported: 2018-11-25 16:05 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 seconds
Location: Kent (UK/England), , United Kingdom
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Bronze Sphere UFO
I was on a flight from Southampton to Amsterdam. We had flown over the Millenium Dome and was somewhere between that point and a sea wind farm, I can't be too specific as we were high up and the last point of recall was the Dome. I recall noting how tiny planes were landing into London City - inches. I also recalled an unusual shadowing on buildings when there were no clouds in the sky. I was looking out of my window thinking about the clouds and wondering about different levels when I saw a bronze sphere which was, I can only assume, static. It was approximately ten feet away - I could only guage from the wing - but was large enough that it could not be missed. I do not know if anyone else saw this - but I have no doubts that the pilots would have seen it. I have never seen anything like it before. I saw it, I think it would be approximately ten feet if not more in diameter. The sky was clear - I can only think it was static as I had a good view as our plane flew past it. Surely if it was moving it would have been blurred?
Posted 2018-11-30
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