NUFORC UFO Sighting 143882

Occurred: 2018-11-23 23:05 Local
Reported: 2018-11-24 18:01 Pacific

Location: Miami Beach, FL, USA


Strange object in the Skies over Miami Beach !! I was sitting on my 5th floor porch facing South Direction on Indian Creek Drive and 41st Street.

The time was 11:05 PM Friday Nov 24 (sic. November 23rd), in the evening, when I suddenly observed in the sky somewhat of a round object approximate size of a basketball in relative to the distance hovering over the sky in a fixed position. For the first 3 minutes of my observation, I was trying to figure out what the heck that was.

Myself as a private pilot flying small airplanes, I immediately knew it's not an airplane, since its orientation and the configurations of the colors did not match an airplane’s wing tip colors, and again at times it was stationary, neither was it a chopper because it had absolutely no sound, it was flashing multiple red beacon lights, and at times it introduced some other colors like a greenish yellowish in a shape of a ball. But as I say again predominantly the colors were flashing red lights. The best way I can describe it, it looked like a round half cut up basketball with the round part facing me. I was fascinated and couriers so I took out my phone camera and started filming. As I was holding my phone against the object of course I did not have a steady hand because at the same time I was also watching it with my eyes. Now 15 to 20 seconds after starting my filming, it started moving very very slowly like inching away towards the north direction, and suddenly, literally like a lightning strike, it just sped away as fast as a blink of an eye. Again as I say as a pilot I knew it's not an airplane or a helicopter, and then I was definitely convinced that it wasn't a drone either.

I couldn't see where it went since I have an overhead roof as I was facing south and the object left in the north direction. I thought maybe I should report it to the law enforcement or to the FAA, so I called the Miami ARTC but I did not get an answer. I then called the Miami Control Tower and no answer either. I was also trying to get in touch with the Miami Approach or Miami Center, since it was originally hovering over the Miami international airport East departure route, but I could not locate a number for them.

So I called UFO Reporting Agency perhaps they may inform the FAA in that jurisdiction.

It was definitely a strange phenomena which I have never actually witnessed before..

In total time I probably observed it 3 minutes prior to filming.

I will send you a link of the video footage if I'm successful in doing so through my mobile device.

I will leave you my number in the event you want to connect with me for any reason.

((name deleted)) 718 XXX-XXXX please do not publish this number anywhere !! Thank you ((name deleted))

Posted 2018-11-30

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