NUFORC UFO Sighting 143659
Occurred: 2006-07-19 13:15 LocalReported: 2018-11-03 16:46 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Shape: Light
Bright star like lights in north day time sky, Spokane Wa.
On Wednesday, July 19, 2006 I went out to wait for the mailman, my house faces north so I was observing the north sky while I waited, it was 1:15pm. I noticed a bright star in the north about 45 degrees above my position just sitting and looking like the north star in the day time, unusual since it was bright and sunny with no clouds. (about the same place you'd see the north star at night) Then, coming from the east about two degrees above the first light, I witnessed another bright light coming towards it. When light #2 was directly above the first one it stopped and now there were 2 star like lights above and below each other. After several seconds the lower light started moving west and the upper one remained. It took a few minutes but light 2 eventually faded. I believe the sun was reflecting off of what ever they were since the sun was directly behind in the south. I have lived in Spokane all my life and have worked for the same company for 25 years. I! spend a great deal of time outdoors and have witnessed several unidentified aerial phenomena events over the years.
Posted 2018-11-09
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