NUFORC UFO Sighting 14352

Occurred: 2000-09-01 22:35 Local
Reported: 2000-10-01 00:00 Pacific
No of observers: 15

Location: South County, RI, USA

Shape: Other

Black helicopter sightings over Southern Rhode Island.

Hello Peter, Over the past two months people have been spotting black helicopters, no markings, all over then South County area of Rhode Island and Stonington, CT. They have been seen during daylight hours as well as nighttime. Many people from this area say that helicopters fly over this time of year due to the Marijuanna harvest. However, they all agree that they have never seen so much activity. They further state, the black helicopters have never been seen during harvest time before. The sightings of black helicopters continue. I will keep you informed as more come in. Sincerely, ((personal data deleted))


We have received a number of reports of "black helicopters" over the years, but we are unconvinced that if they in fact exist, they have anything to do with UFO's. We have seen no convincing evidence that the phenomenon is real. PD

Posted 2000-12-02

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