NUFORC UFO Sighting 143434

Occurred: 2018-10-07 19:00 Local
Reported: 2018-10-08 21:33 Pacific
Duration: unsure
No of observers: 1

Location: Cloverdate, CA, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams

White orb composed of strings of light in rural mountainous area of Sonoma Co., CA.

Sunday Evening – 10/7/2018 Highway 128 coming from Mendocino County travelling towards Sonoma County. As you approach Cloverdale the road becomes a twisty mountain road with hairpin turns. Towards the beginning of this stretch of road I spotted a large orb made of “strings” of light. I remember thinking that it looked spiderweb-like. It was very large like when the moon is close to the earth. Initially, I thought that it was some kind of natural phenomena like the Northern Lights. There was no shoulder to pull off on and it was dark. I kept driving in hopes of getting another glimpse of it.

I made many more turns and didn’t see anything. I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to see it again but soon again I did. The next time that I saw it. It looked like the beam of a huge flashlight. It began in a large circle and the bottom of the beam looked it when a spotlight is directed at a floor with a disc-shaped bottom. It was very bright and well-defined. Its beam ended well above the top of the mountain; much closer to the beginning of the beam than to land. Then, again, it was obscured from my view by a mountaintop.

When I next saw it next it appeared to be separate beams of light coming from a star. Very bright white light. Kind of like the beams coming from the Eastern Star on Christmas cards.

The next couple of times I spotted it it was as above.

When I was just about at the end of this torturous stretch of road I spotted it again and now there was a shoulder on the road and more light. I stepped outside of my car to take a picture. Once outside it had moved behind the mountainside to the right. I walked across the road to take a picture. I could visualize it but it was a if a dimmer switch had turned down the intensity. I snapped a pic. Not impressive but it was there.

As I headed down the access road to highway 101 the only thing I could see in the area it had been was what looked like a bright star lower in the sky than you would expect it to be. To my left there was another “light” at about the same height in the sky but it was yellowish in color and less intense. I’m not sure if these last two items were related to the orb and the beams of light. There were no other stars that I could see looking briefly.

Once home late afternoon on Monday I looked again at/for the picture I had taken along the way. It wasn’t what I remembered. It wasn’t discernable at all. I’m not sure if it was even the same picture because of this. If it’s not the pic I took, it was no longer on my phone.

On Monday I googled “light orb spheres” and found a pic that was similar to what I had seen and I’ll include it here. I couldn’t find anything else close enough to the flashlight-like beam and beam streams to include.

Background of observer: 58 y/o female, registered nurse. No previous sightings or particular interest.

Posted 2018-10-12

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