NUFORC UFO Sighting 143337
Occurred: 2015-03-01 23:55 Local - ApproximateReported: 2018-10-01 10:25 Pacific
Duration: 60-90 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
Saucer shaped aircraft with 6-8 white circular lights on its bottom side spotted near the dead of night by a cousin and me.
I want to clarify before anything else, the incident could have taken place either 3 months prior or 3 months after the date entered. All I can guarantee, is that using information such as my work history, housing history, and the travel history of my cousin; what we saw occurred within the first 6 months of 2015. No sooner and definitely not later. The time and location however are relatively accurate, slightly before midnight and seen from 71st Ave and Bethany Home Rd and facing South.
*All the information gathered here was obtained with the help of the other witness mentioned, all matching* During a routine weekend at my father's house, my cousin spent the night over like he’d done a number of times before. After arriving and spending some time playing video games I decided a snack was in order. After realizing we were low on food, and starving, we decided to make a quick run to our local Frys/Kroger store down the street. It was around 11:15 PM when we decided on this.
Prior to leaving, and against my cousins wishes I decided to smoke a bit of marijuana to help with the pain of being an athlete. As a long time smoker I knew this would not drastically impair my ability to walk and/or think and that it’d help me deal with the soreness in my ankles from constant soccer. My cousin did not ingest any marijuana, alcohol, or anything of the sort prior to either arriving at my then home or leaving with me to walk to the store.
15 minutes of prepping and smoking, and 20 minutes of walking later we were nearly there. My cousin, slightly nervous about being out so late and being caught by his father, decided to call my uncle to check in and let him know we’d be in bed soon enough (a lie). It was during this call that I, while gazing around the familiar neighborhood noticed something above me and not at all far away in the night sky.
Only after taking 5-7 seconds to repeatedly blink and rub my eyes did I gather the sense to immediately alert my cousin as to what I was experiencing. Above us were 6-8 near white lights, forming a perfect circle and a moderately bright one at that. Past the lights, once hyper focused you could make out the dark saucer shape the lights were obviously a part of. There wasn’t any rotation of said lights, no pulsing, and no odd details. The object sat stationary while being viewed and emitted ZERO fumes, projectiles, and strangely enough, sound whatsoever. It was so quiet in fact that I recall the embarrassment of being able to hear my cousin explaining to his father/my uncle what we were seeing and practically revealing that we were outside and not in my home as he’d previously described. I could hear cars driving by us and in the distance, I could have heard crickets if there were any, just not the craft.
After about 60 or so seconds of staring, the craft proceeded to accelerate like no aircraft I’d seen in my 20+ years of living. The object went from being the sole focus of my vision, to zooming straight upwards and decreasing in size within an instant; vanishing almost cartoonishly.
Source of report indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2018-10-06
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