NUFORC UFO Sighting 143333
Occurred: 2018-08-15 18:10 LocalReported: 2018-09-30 20:10 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Temecula, CA, USA
Shape: Other
The object was round. About 75 to a hundred feet diameter. Rough guess. No lights to speak of, but was seen and reflective. It hovered for about three and a half minutes with no real motion or movement.. The object, or round vehicle as I call it, was in the west from my position. As the sun was still up mostly, it was mostly staying I would guess about three or four thousand foot altitude. That it was clearly around disc saucer shape, and when it took off you didn't take off lightning fast it was moderately fast, but slow enough to follow visually. Right about to the point it was out of sight, it went really fast. Whether it was bending light and appeared to go fast I would say right at the point when it was out of sight but not as it was leaving from the stationary point. It was a classic saucer shape which I would think you wouldn't see typically during this period of time. Developmental agreements government and otherwise but was very nice to see. As havi! ng spoken with the person who operates a site, the person is a very credible than upstanding person and I'm a very big fan of. Sad to say, I don't have any pictures to speak of nothing that shows clearly but I was seeing.
As we have to chalk this up as just another story or witnessed event. It's a nice event to have experienced.
As you will see in the boxes below there will be no check marks as to indications for characteristics of the sighting. It did not produce lights, it did not produce sound. Not like other sightings or experiences I've had previously.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2018-10-06
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