NUFORC UFO Sighting 143329
Occurred: 2018-08-15 05:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2018-09-30 06:23 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Grant, FL, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Very bright white/silver circular or spherical object, completely stationary for 4 min and then slowly fading out to black.
At approximately 5:00AM, in the middle of August, I saw a perfectly circular object directly due north of my home in the exact direction of Cape Canaveral, approximately 45 miles away. The object was immediately noticeable because it was very bright. The object appeared white, to silver-white was completely stationary. The sky was clear and cloudless with normal humidity for an early morning.
In the first few seconds, I could see that the object wasn’t a rocket launch, or even a SpaceX booster return. It was the wrong color, didn’t move, and didn’t vary in luminosity, shape, flicker or twinkle. It was appropriately 4-5 the width of Venus, and about the same magnitude when Venus is low in the sky, and at its most bright. It also was not an aircraft landing light. That was obvious after watching it for 3-4 minutes and the object remained in the same location, didn’t change intensity, and was too uniform in appearance.
After watching the object for about a full minute, I thought to get a picture but, I didn’t want to lose sight of it, and I was positive I would see it do something that would explain what it might be.
After looking at the object for about 4 minutes, with no change in position or appearance, I knew I was seeing something I had never observed before.
After about 4 minutes, the object began to dim in a very slow and measured way. It took about 30 seconds to a full minute before it completely went dark, still maintaining position of about 30 degrees above the horizon in the same exact location where I first noticed it. It was during this slow dimming that the object appeared to be just slightly less bright in the center that gave it a slightly spherical appearance.
During the entire time I saw the object, I didn’t see any other aircraft in the area or hear any other sounds. Expect for a few low magnitude stars, this was the only object, in the direction I was looking in.
Source of report indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2018-10-06
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