NUFORC UFO Sighting 143042
Occurred: 2017-09-07 20:30 LocalReported: 2018-09-07 22:49 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Georgian Bay (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Other
We were out at our island north of Parry Sound out of Snug Harbour. The island is in open water and there is a lighthouse five mile out from us called Red Rock which is very large barrel-shaped.
At this we were out on the open water side looking out at the channel marker blinking and what was left of the light below horizon when we heard the red rock fog horn which couldn't be sounding because it was taken out in the mid 1970s. My Dad worked for the Coast guard the took it out and I saw it on the Base in Pary Sound. I knew that sound and had heard it all the time as a youth being out at the island. Each lighthouse has a distinctive sound.
Well off to the left of the lighthouse, there was a reddish glow which appeared to be right on the water, but it was a distance out. It moved slowly away from the lighthouse area traveling due south. My Son and Daughter and I were captivated by it. The light seemed to go under water but not sure because the light got bigger. It then just moved away at a fast speed and was gone out of site within seconds. I have no idea if the light and the foghorn had anything to do with each other. Could not make out a shape causing the light.I asked people in Snug Harbour if anyone had heard anything, but no one did. There is a store there were islanders come to get supplies and also a restaurant there called Gillies. My daughter, 23, was feaked out about this, and just wanted to go to cottage and stay inside. By the way this area is so dark you can see the milky way so clear and even the space station go over each night. I checked off sound because all we heard was that fog horn. There were no ships visable and they don't have fog horns. It is a main shipping channel for large ship coming and going from Parry Sound like Salt carriers, Ice breakers and smaller Coast Guard ships. Very strange
Posted 2018-09-13
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