NUFORC UFO Sighting 143007

Occurred: 2018-09-01 03:25 Local
Reported: 2018-09-05 12:50 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Federal Heights, CO, USA

Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

One small 3 ft object, another 'M' shaped object with 10 ft wings flew close to ground with no lights or sound.

Around 3:25am MST on September 1, 2018, two objects floated in the air within 30 feet of the tree tops from the north end of the canal behind Tejon Way past the point of view toward the Comcast buildings to the south of Tejon Way in Federal Heights, Colorado. I was standing at the bottom of a hill about 5 feet below the base of the trees.

The first object was a small, matte, beige, pentagon shaped object about three feet in width and 1-2 feet tall. It had 0.5-1-foot-long triangular tail on the flat end of the pentagon. It was quietly traveling about 20 mph in a straight line. The object contained no lights or moving objects on it. In comparison to a full moon, or a fist held up at arm’s length, this object was about 200% the size; however, it was in close proximity. So, my best guess is an object about 3 feet in length.

A second or two after this object passed by, a larger object followed within the same trajectory as the first. The second object also was matte and beige and resembled a large kite. However, there was no wind at this time and the object went from north to south, from within view to out of view. This object had a 90-degree angled nose with the wings about 10 feet long. The whole object was ‘M’ shaped with the back tip of the wings rectangular in shape with triangles on the end. In comparison to a full moon, or a fist held up at arm’s length, this object was up to 600-700% of the size; however, it was in close proximity. So, my best guess is an object about 10 feet in wing-length and possibly 14-15 feet wide.

These were completely silent. I felt no thoughts that this was abnormal while it happened. It took me a couple of seconds to realize this was not an everyday occurrence.

Posted 2018-09-13

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