NUFORC UFO Sighting 142997

Occurred: 2018-09-04 18:30 Local
Reported: 2018-09-05 10:19 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Deming, NM, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby, Animals reacted

Caught floating guitar shaped light and 3 others appeared move toward earth and disapeared.

My husband gets home from work exactly at 6:26pm. He kissed us hello and I said lets go feed the ducks.

We headed outside approximately 6:30pm and my husband and I immediately saw this huge "star" hovering above the setting sun. We are always looking at the sky, my husband is a flight director at the Deming Blimp site, so I knew it was way too early for stars. Mars is the first one in the sky and it appears over the Florida mountains. This "star" was the opposite direction over the setting sun. I took my son inside and grabbed our camera because phone cameras can't pick up stars well. My husband and I called our neighbors and they went outside and saw it as well. We watched it for 40 minutes. During that time it never moved with the earth and never blinked like a star, just shown like a spotlight. It did however change from a circle to a guitar pick shape. We were extremely excited and nervous and that made for not great videos but we have ! videos and lots of pictures of it. During the 40 minutes another bright light appeared above and to the left of the original light and moved straight down toward earth and disappeared. Then 3 lights appeared around the original light and moved straight down and disappeared. The original light seamed to join them at this point and moved down and disappeared but it shrank to disappear. All of this happened in less than a minute. We rushed inside to download the footage into the computer because I have heard of weird things going on with equipment when things like this occur. While my husband was downloading the pictures and video onto our computer the orb came back in the night about 8:30 pm. This time it was in the North. This time it was close to were the Blimp is in the Deming sky. This time there was another light with it hovering to its left. It was there for about 10 minutes and then disappeared.

Posted 2018-09-13

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