NUFORC UFO Sighting 142996
Occurred: 2018-09-04 23:00 LocalReported: 2018-09-05 02:02 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Springfield, OR, USA
Shape: Light
A bright white sphere seen by only myself traveling at a very hight rate of speed at a low altitude.
At approximately 23:00, I observed a very bright light speed across the sky at an altitude of what seemed to be about that of typical helicopter altitude would be. It was moving west to east at a very high rate of speed. It was completely silent. It left no trail as a meteor would. The light was solid bright white with not other identifying lights on it. I have worked in aviation for 3 1/2 years. Nothing that I am aware of could move that fast in total silence. It covered a couple miles of sky in about 3 seconds before going out of sight due to tall trees. Other than that there was no obstruction of view.
Posted 2018-09-13
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