NUFORC UFO Sighting 142989

Occurred: 2018-09-03 14:30 Local
Reported: 2018-09-04 12:29 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Spokane Valley, WA, USA

Shape: Circle

Small dot in the daytime sky moving around an airplane contrail

This sighting was made by my wife and daughter.

As I approached them in my truck, they were looking and pointing to the sky. I pulled up alongside and my daughter was wondering about a small dot of light in the sky was doing. Both ladies were observing it moving around in a small area of the sky near an “aging” airplane contrail. The contrail was actually providing a reference as it moved along, and across it, and seemed to be making some right-angle moves at times.

I was attempting to see what they were seeing, but not able to do so. (I was actually mistakenly looking at for the object along the wrong contrail—there were 2 fairly close together and parallel in the sky and the one that I needed to be looking at was higher up, and the roof of my truck was blocking the correct one). I reached under the seat and handed my daughter my binoculars. She described it as “round” and either “spinning or pulsating” at about 1 second intervals. (Still a fairly small dot even with the binoculars). I was frustrated because I couldn’t see it, but was looking about 10 degrees of arc in the wrong area). She watched for about 5-10 minutes until it faded from view as it headed south.

(From the angle in the sky, it would have been probably over the Veradale or Liberty Lake area).

Posted 2018-09-13

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