NUFORC UFO Sighting 142944

Occurred: 1977-07-15 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2018-08-31 20:02 Pacific
Duration: Half an hour
No of observers: 2

Location: Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Ufo in long cloud moving through sky

I was walking back from getting pizza at Domino's at the Georgetown mall around 11:30 on a crystal clear summer night. You could see in the sky forever as the sky was very clear and it was rather bright that night with the long days of July. We saw what we thought was a tornado in the sky approaching our homes. It was enormous. It was wide at the top and then trailed off to a skinny tail. We ran home and I announced to my brother and father that there was a tornado coming and we have to take shelter. Neither one of them moved an inch. They said the sky was clear and no warning on TV for tornados. They just did nothing. I ran to my friends house and he was out back on the porch with his sister as I recall starting at this weird cloud moving through the sky. It was not a tornado. It was a cloud I can best describe as a snake or caterpillar. It has a beginning and an end and was the same thickness throughout. We we first saw it I guess it was like looking at train tracks with them wide up close then barrow in the distance and that is why we thought it was a tornado. I watched close and saw a craft moving inside the cloud as it made it's way across the sky. It was higher up then before I would say and was directly in front of us now. I wanted to get a closer look. I ran home and grabbed my brother's telescope. I set it up on my friends porch and tried to look at the craft. I could not get a fix on it with the high power scope. I looked through the smaller spotting scope attached to it and got a clear view of the cloud and the craft. It looked like the cloud was leading and concealing the craft. The craft flew very strangely. I can best describe it as a how a moth flies. All different directions, but making forward progress. It never left the cloud area and was about in the middle of the snake body of the cloud. It bounced around rapidly like a pin ball. It had lights of three colors that were blinking. All of the sudden, it was a! s if it knew I had an clear view of everything, and this is the most fascinating part to me, the cloud made a very sharp ninerg degree turn away from me. It was like the cloud was in a tube. The snake like cloud followed right along the path of the head and the ship did the same. It was pretty high in the sky now. I watched and watched as it slowly made it's was away from me and was no longer easy to see.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2018-09-13

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