NUFORC UFO Sighting 142711
Occurred: 2018-08-12 20:10 LocalReported: 2018-08-13 00:34 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Rocklin, CA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Three V shaped aircraft spotted flying very low and quiet.
The sun had already set and the sky was turning dark above as the horizon still had some orange and peach tones fading away. I was walking on the bike path behind the Rocklin softball fields towards the westside of the park and returning home from my routine evening walks, when I saw a commercial airline far off into the distance and flying weat toward SMF Intl airport. I looked directly in front of me and saw three black V-shaped aircraft fly over the Arroyo Grande Condos across the street. It was apparent that they looked small like oversized black birds in the distance but as I was close enough to see the third object fly behind the second that had flown in a half circle into the distance, it had an open V shape to it and it made no noice nor did it have any obvious lights. It was a completely dark V shaped flying object. This is what alarmed me because it was so quiet and made no sound and flew so close to the condos above. In fact, I questioned myself a! s to whether the craft were oversized birds or even mini drones but these flew steady, relatively fast and far into the sky. There was no one visible outside by the park on Sunday evening except over by the swings. The third similar object had no wings nor even a cockpit of any kind. It was flying about 5-6000 ft above the ground and at about 1000 ft distance between each other when I first noticed them, until the first aircraft flew off extremely fast and ahead of the others. I could still see it if I looked for it far into the clouds. The third tailed the second as if it was the wingman following it in succession. I did not understand how these crafts could fly so low to the ground and yet fly so high in a matter of seconds without an emmission of fuel left behind them like with a plane. They were solid, dark black aircraft, but because the sun had gone down, you could not tell if they were metallic but only that the third one had a V shape opening to it. They followed e! ach other like a team of aircraft flying together in unison.
Just as I approached the Condo's across the street from the pathway and within about 5 quick mintues, they had all three disappeared. I could not see them anymore anywhere. I did not have my cell phone with me nor was I able to take any pictures of my sighting but I wanted to share the event because it happened immediately over my Condo unit where I reside and flew directly Northwest into the distance over Highway 65. What struck me the most about this brief sighting was that I had a feeling that I needed to walk back home on the pathway instead of all the way around the north side of the park. I had a feeling that if I didnt turn around, I would be missing out on something, and there it was. I was fixated on the first object and then within seconds, a second appeared out of nowhere, then came the third. It was too obvious to me that these V like aircraft were not supposed to be in the sky and so close to home but I am glad I paid attention to my intuition and got a glimpse at some! thing so tangible and real that it spoke volumes that we are not alone at any given time.
Posted 2018-08-17
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