NUFORC UFO Sighting 142680

Occurred: 2018-08-12 04:30 Local
Reported: 2018-08-12 11:23 Pacific
Duration: <1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Rochester, MN, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Marks found on body afterwards

Saw and heard what appeared to be a non-human entity.

Checking email before heading to bed after a fun night of video games. Did not feel stressed, overly tired, or creeped out at all - just ready to go to sleep. I heard heavy breathing behind me at my office door - not human. I assumed that it was my dog. She is usually locked up in a room during the night, but the room can be easily opened from the outside by pushing on the door, and my cat sometimes lets the dog out. I turned around, ready to talk to my dog, and saw a non-human face (grey, elongated features, can't remember the eyes). It was so alarming that I jumped out of my chair and grabbed an object. When I turned back to the door, it was gone. I have tried telling myself that it wasn't real, and I have refused to tell anyone for fear of being ostracized. No noticeable signs of a craft (audible or visual). Strange and quickly disappearing scratch marks the next morning (scratches were white in a red blotchy area rather than red).


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact information. PD

Posted 2018-08-17

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