NUFORC UFO Sighting 142663

Occurred: 2018-08-10 07:32 Local
Reported: 2018-08-11 14:24 Pacific
No of observers: 4

Location: Owensboro, KY, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Landed

I’ve been watching them for about a month now. I can’t tell you about the time they will be arringbandbleaving. At first you will see a bright light that looks circle from a distance. It will stay for about 3 hrs then you’ll see this yellow circle shape move across the sky. When the first ship leaves it moves up then all the sudden you’ll see the lights go out. After that, it did disappeares. The yellow shape will stay all night until around 4:39 early hours. When it leaves it to will travel some then the lights go out and no longer seen until the next day. Once me and my son noticed something strange about this cloud. A very low cloud. So we got on our bikes and rode to where it was which was only 3 houses down. I guess the ship knew we were watching so all the sudden at the very ends of the ship two lights came on then it lifted up and disappeared.

Now let me get to a good story. I was sitting out back. It was about 1:30 early hours. I get this feeling and! look toward the gate. That’s when this huge Gust of wind came. It was a wind I’ve never felt before. Then I hear like a heavy medal door open and chanting. The chanting kept up for about 30 seconds then all the sudden everything gets real still and quite. That’s when I hear this evil voice start speaking so I hit record and have it on recording. I got scared and ran into the house so I can’t tell you how it’s ended. I can only play the recording. It’s was a very powerful evil voice. I have played this for a few people and they get freaked out. It this night when I started paying attention and noticed the ships in the sky. If there is anyone that would be willing to hear this recording I will be more then happy to share. If there is anyone that can answers my questions that would be great. It seems to me like something huge is about to happen. I even seen something beside the moon taking light or maybe getting solar from the moon. My name is ((name deleted)). I live in Owensboro, Ky, and am willing to talk to anyone. 270-((deleted)). Thank you and can’t wait to hear from someone.

Posted 2018-08-17

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