NUFORC UFO Sighting 142656
Occurred: 2018-08-11 00:30 LocalReported: 2018-08-10 23:12 Pacific
Duration: 8-10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Clarksdale, MO, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
Object with white & blue light seen "dancing" around in the western sky near Clarksdale, Missouri by two people 12:30 AM
An unidentifiable object was seen about 30 minutes ago by my fiancé; he was on our deck and observed this in the sky west of us. He came inside and asked me to come outside and look at it through his binoculars as this is what he used. My fiancé is 34 years old, is quite intelligent, and owns his own tree service business. He is a pretty down to earth person. As for me, I am 54 years old, high IQ, and am an accountant/bookkeeper. I am level-headed and practical, but do question life and ponder deep things at times.
My initial thought was that my fiancé had spotted a drone perhaps, and at first I could see nothing through his binoculars. I did get them focused for my eyes and when I got the object in my sights I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and I thought maybe I was crazy. This object was at maybe 45 degrees above the horizon and it jumped and danced about in an unorganized pattern, within a fairly small area. It looked like a bright “star” that had been attached to a fireworks rocket, with a trail behind it. White and blue light(s) were observed, and suddenly it disappeared from my sight. My fiancé said it had moved behind the trees that were in my view, and I moved about two feet left and was able to see it again, doing the same crazy movements.
I looked at two stars overhead to compare them to this object, and they looked totally different – white light, no movement. I was and am still questioning my sanity, and I really don’t know how else to describe this thing. I’ve never seen ANYTHING like it in my life, and I’m sure other people who are sky watchers had to have seen this as well. Let me know if you have any questions.
Posted 2018-08-17
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