NUFORC Sighting 142382

Occurred: 1976-09-15 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2018-07-22 22:14 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Amarillo, TX, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Two low flying disk-shaped craft with port-hole windows fly directly over witness' head.

Just before sundown I saw something moving on the western horizon and jumped up to get a better look. When the objects were about half way from the western horizon to my position I could see that they were disk shaped craft. I was at the state fair and they flew silently almost directly over my position.

Their altitude was quite low so at arms length they were about the size of a soda can bottom. I could see four round, port-hole windows on the bottom of each craft. There was green light shining through each window like it was just the interior light and not a beam or external light. The bodies of the craft were grayish, metal looking.

Flying from horizon to horizon only took about eight to ten seconds and going that fast they were not stream-lined like one would expect but wobbled slightly from side to side like there was some sort of magnetic attraction-repulsion as they flew. They were completely silent.

There was a person walking close by when the craft were just overhead and I told him there were "UFOs there" and pointed up, but he purposely looked down, not wanting to be fooled. Once the craft were out of sight, he looked up and not seeing anything he gave me a disapproving grunt like he knew there wasn't going to be anything!


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2018-08-10

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