NUFORC UFO Sighting 142316
Occurred: 2018-07-18 21:15 LocalReported: 2018-07-18 23:08 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Davenport, WA, USA
Shape: Light
Light moving at an exceptionally high rate of speed south to north.
Exceptionally fast craft moving south to north.
Tonight, July 18, 2018 sometime between 9pm and 9:30pm, my wife and I were sitting out watching the early stars and planets appear. The sky was clear. We were sitting facing due south.
As we were watching the skies we saw a single light to the south that was moving rapidly towards us, to the north.
We see both military and civilian aircraft all the time. We see them at great altitude (probably airlines coming from the east (maybe Chicago, New York, etc.) headed to the west (maybe Seattle). We also see low craft such as airliners that are leaving Spokane airport headed west, or airliners coming from the west headed to Spokane airport. Occasionally we see military aircraft coming and going from Fairchild AFB to the east of us.
Except for exceptionally high altitude craft, we usually eventually hear some amount of engine noise.
It is not unusual for us to occasionally see a satellite or the International Space Station cruise across the sky.
I give all this background because I want to express that we know the usual aircraft that frequent our skies. What we saw tonight was not anything like what we have seen in the past.
This single light, no larger than a bright star, was traveling very fast. My guess is that we watched it coming from the south to directly above us in maybe 10 seconds. We were not able to watch it as it continued north. Our assumption is that from the far south to the far north it would have traversed that distance in maybe 20 seconds. The trajectory was straight with no hint of deviance from its path.
This light was solid and did not have any light strobes associated with it. There was no way to discern a shape or altitude, other than we could not hear even the faintest engine noise, giving us the impression that it was at a very high altitude.
Never have I seen anything in the skies moving that fast.
Posted 2018-07-19
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