NUFORC UFO Sighting 142309
Occurred: 2018-07-16 20:01 LocalReported: 2018-07-18 13:39 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Columbia, MO, USA
Shape: Other
Missouri Investigators Group. Barb Becker
We were sitting in front of Noodles and Company at Trimble and Conley Roads enjoying an ice cream when I noticed something very low in the sky approaching us from the south. I got my phone out and took three pictures through the open window. What had originally called my attention to the sky turned out to be a helicopter although we were close enough to hear sound we heard none. (A friend has a software program to analyze photos and could see, with about 90% certainty, that the original object was a helicopter.) But above the traffic light standard there appeared another object. This one was a square. It had no heat signature, wings or rotors. I don't believe I actually saw it with my eyes, but discovered it on the pictures. This is the second time we have seen objects flying over this area. (See my two reports on NUFORC dated 4/20/2017.)
We express our gratitude to Barb Becker, MO Investigators Group, for submitting the report. PD
Posted 2018-07-19
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