NUFORC Sighting 142259

Occurred: 2018-07-14 13:15 Local
Reported: 2018-07-15 17:37 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Pilot Rock, OR, USA

Shape: Egg

Buzzed by a white egg shaped object south of Pilot Rock.

Returning to Pendleton on Hwy 395, I was buzzed by, for want of a better description, an egg shaped object. It was Saturday afternoon and I was eight miles south of Pilot Rock, heading northbound, when what first appeared to be a car, standing on end, sailed about thirty feet above my vehicle and cruised on ahead of me.

I was doing about 65 when this thing passed overhead; and concerned about being distracted, I decided to slow down. After getting a better look at it, the object was definitely shaped like an egg. It was tapered from the top towards a broad base. All white in color, the thing was the size of something like a U-Haul trailer—maybe six feet tall and fifteen feet or more in diameter at the base.

For a moment, I considered the possibility that maybe this thing was some sort of drone. But I got to wondering, aren’t drones supposed to have some sort of propulsion? I couldn’t make out anything that resembled propellers, or an air intake, an exhaust port, something like that.

There didn’t appear to be anything that was hanging from the object—landing gear, wheels, struts, nothing that resembled that kind of provision. There didn’t appear to be any obvious joints or seams, something that might indicate how the object was put together. Interestingly enough, there were little moments when I was certain that the material that covered this thing, although smooth, appeared to change shape. It looked like it might be elastic, or made of some kind of liquid.

I don’t know if that makes any sense, but, then, the entire sighting was odd. For an insurance salesman, selling Life, Home, and Auto—and returning from our office in John Day—this was the strangest thing that I’ve ever seen on the road—or anywhere else, for that matter. After ten minutes, this thing cruised on ahead until I lost sight of it.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2018-07-19

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