NUFORC UFO Sighting 142254
Occurred: 2018-07-14 01:30 LocalReported: 2018-07-15 20:05 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Cresent Lake - Middle of the Mission Mountain Wilderness - F, MT, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object
On a backpacking trip for the weekend. Camped right on Cresent Lake in the middle of the Mission Mountain Wilderness - Flathead National Forest - nearest town Condon, MT, about 20 miles away to the east.
Woke up around 1 am on Saturday morning. My tent has a ceiling that is simply made of mesh, so you can clearly see the night's sky.
Looking up while laying in my sleeping bag, I saw a bright orange colored light move across the sky. I can describe it this way: at first it moved as fast and was as bright as a shooting star (and that's what I originally thought it was). But it didn't have a long tail or trail like a shooting star.
And then it shifted gears dramatically (while still headed in the same trajectory) and went from being super bright to not so bright (by like the power of ten) and at the same instant of losing its brightness, it slowed to the speed at which satellites orbit through the sky. I watched it until it went behind the tops of trees that were in my view of sight.
The direction that it traveled was Northeast toward Southwest.
Posted 2018-07-19
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