NUFORC UFO Sighting 142237

Occurred: 2018-07-12 11:43 Local
Reported: 2018-07-14 16:11 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Punta Arenas (Chile), , Chile

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Left a trail

Sudden appearance of spherical object at high altitude with accompanying large sonic boom and sharp turn south to the Antarctic

At 11:43 am in the Island of Tierra del Fuego I was working with two others and another two using a percussion drill heard a large boom like sound, the guys with the drill heard it and they had ear protections on, so you can imagine the load explosion sound.

We looked around and didn't see anything amiss, then looked up in the sky and we saw a small vapour trail then sky then another vapour trail with a craft doing the trail. It would appear that it appeared out of nowhere and was the cause of this sound. It came in from the East and headed West.

Please note, in the South of Chile there are no overflying commercial flights and military activity is very low. As I'm from Europe, I know what high flying planes look like and the trails they leave.

The trail left was behind by what I could make out a spherical spinning object (caused by the reflection of the sun. I thought it maybe a plane but I had trouble seeing wings, also it was very high up in the atmosphere.

What really hit us was after a couple of minutes it took a sharp left, to the South towards the Antarctic. It it went north then I could be assumed to be military, but there again when we first saw the object, there was no trail from where it came.

After a minute, the object was too distant to be seen, I have no idea of how fast it was travelling, maybe around 1200 miles per hour, or more if it was high up. The sharp turn was not expected to be honest.

Posted 2018-07-19

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