NUFORC UFO Sighting 142225
Occurred: 2018-06-25 18:30 LocalReported: 2018-07-13 18:20 Pacific
Duration: ~45 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Conway, SC, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Animals reacted
The loudest triangle I've ever seen.
I'm a highschool student who recently moved from Garden City to Conway, a rather large change considering we now live on a 30 acre farm. Our property is closer to Bucksville and Jamestown, than Conway. I'm used to planes flying by, far off of course, from Myrtle Beach International, I can see them from the back corner of the property, they're close enough to see basic details, like color and shape, and sometimes you can very vaguely hear the small rumble of the engine.
On June 25th, I was home alone, babysitting our dog. I was sitting at the dining room table, ((dog's name deleted)), our dog, lying on the floor next to me. I was standing up to stretch my legs and go grab something to drink, and I heard this loud, deep rumble, and so did ((dog's name deleted)). I walked over to the windows, about 4 feet away from me, and as I pulled up the blind I saw what was making the noise.
Roughly 450 to 600 feet in the air was a pitch black, triangle shaped object, moving at a decent speed. I was completely taken back by how absolutely Loud this thing was, it kept a decent speed, and moved in a generally straight line. I honestly didn't believe it when I saw it until I realized ((dog's name deleted)) had come to the window with me and was staring at it. Both of the cats had also woken up and were acting uncomfortable due to the noise and the vibrations it caused. After roughly 40 to 45 seconds, it had gone over the top of the forest, the sound still continued until about 30 more seconds later.
The only way I can describe this sound was a deeper jet engine. This craft was small though, and when I say small, it looked to only be less than 4 inches across from where I was standing. I really have no idea what this was, but I'm absolutely certain it was not a plane, it had absolutely no parts coming out from the main body, so I'm certain it wasn't a drone either.
To make a long story short - small, pitch black triangle craft flies over farm at medium speed for 45 seconds, cats and dog notice, sound continues for 30 seconds after visibility is gone.
Posted 2018-07-19
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