NUFORC UFO Sighting 142173
Occurred: 2018-07-08 20:50 LocalReported: 2018-07-08 21:22 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Mt. Prospect, IL, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail
Bright fireball moving North to South over Mt. Prospect
We were driving to Melas Park for the Festival and looking towards the sky I see this fireball or Shooting star, very big and bright passing in the sky from North to South.
Sky wasn't fully dark, just little after dusk.
Was me and my friend that was driving that witnessed it.
Don't know if it was a UFO , but I can surely say was closer to a meteor ball or shooting star, but was very big. no noise heard because in the car.
Posted 2018-07-13
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