NUFORC UFO Sighting 141983

Occurred: 2004-11-12 17:00 Local
Reported: 2018-06-29 15:15 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 33

Location: Cuenca (Ecuador), , Ecuador

Shape: Disk

Sighted a 30' disc from 100-150' away, "parked" above a pond/holding tank.

(This was my second Very Clear sighting of an unexplainable object in the sky.)

On 12 November 2004, I was traveling North to South -as I had multiple times- to Cuenca (Quin-kah) from Azougaz (Ah-SO-gass), Ecuador, in broad daylight (5:00 pm). Rounding a curve, sitting on the right side of a public bus, I was astonished to see a grey/silver colored disk to the right (west side) only 100-150 feet away, above a wastewater holding tank. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter, rounded on the edges, no windows or ports were visible. It seemed rather dull -not shiney- & absolutely motionless, as if “parked” in mid-air. Traveling alone, and the only gringo on the bus, I may have frightened the other passengers as I pointed and shouted, ¿¡Qué es!? - ¿¡Qué es!? .. “What is it!? - What is it!?” Then, jumping out of my seat, I ran to the back of the bus to get a few more seconds of viewing it as we passed by. Feeling a bit bewildered and regretting that I could not stop to see how or where it might go from there, I had to surrender to the fact that it had gone out of view. I would have to appreciate what I had seen-if only for a few fleeting moments. (There was no shoulder on the road or I likely would have demanded the driver to stop and let me out).

Darn... on previous trips to South America, I had purposefully looked for UFOs in the hills and skies in and around Huancayo (Wan-kyy-OH), in the highlands of Peru, the area where Shirley McClain reported seeing numerous UFOs. I've had numerous stays in Huancayo, and in small nearby villages, but have seen nothing but beautiful night skies filled with stars and a few fast-burning meteors. This sighting -to me- was just stunning in that it caught me off-guard, had my heart racing, and kept me from sleeping most of that night.

Posted 2018-07-05

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