NUFORC UFO Sighting 141969

Occurred: 2018-06-25 20:00 Local
Reported: 2018-06-28 22:29 Pacific
Duration: ~3 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Niwot, CO, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Bright, yellow/orange orb of light shoots up directly from the highway about 3-5sec ahead of us, vanishing before it clears tree line.

My fiancé and I were driving back from Boulder to Longmont on the Diagonal Hwy Monday night, I don't remember the time exactly, it was about 9pm (and I think we were technically driving through Niwot). It wasn't totally dark yet, but dark enough for the trees to appear as a mass of shadow; a small orb of yellow/orange light shot up toward the sky, directly in front of us from the highway surface, and disappeared as fast as it launched. Defined by the backdrop of shadowy trees just ahead, we are sure it was very close to us and came from the road. We both saw it, simultaneously exclaiming, "Did you see that?! What was that?!" From our vantage point I'd say the orb was about the size of grapefruit, we were traveling 55-60mph, and where it shot up from the road was about 3-5 seconds ahead of us. It vanished almost as soon as it appeared, disappearing from sight before it cleared the tree line behind it; it was a very bright and steady yellow/orange orb of light, and moved incredibly fast, such as if I had blinked when it happened I would've missed it, and it veered off a bit to the right before it vanished. Additionally, it made absolutely no sound.

Posted 2018-07-05

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