NUFORC UFO Sighting 141695

Occurred: 2018-05-30 23:00 Local
Reported: 2018-05-31 17:02 Pacific
Duration: ~20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Myrtle Beach, SC, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

Orange lights moving in formation seen from the southern end of Myrtle Beach, SC.

I was recently visiting Myrtle Beach, SC, and awoke from a deep sleep and walked out onto the ocean front balcony of my room sometime after 10pm. The moon was full and could occasionally be seen through dark rolling rain clouds. I first saw a bright orange light seemingly just turn on at the edge of a dark cloud. It was in my left field of vision. It disappeared and then another orange light appeared in my right field of vision also seeming to be at the edge of another dark cloud. It disappeared, and then three orange lights appeared coming down into formation in a break in clouds. They stopped in what appeared to be a perfect diagonal line. The lower end was on my left as I looked out over ocean from the seventh floor. It was as though they stopped to observe something. Then two orange lights appeared with a greater distance between them. It looked as though they were guiding a much larger object made of dark metal reflected by moonlight. I only saw ! one end of the larger object which was round or oval and moving away from me into the clouds. The orange lights looked like bright stars with spikes of light coming from them like bright objects often look in the night sky, but the spikes seemed more defined or like jewels would appear in bright light. I am not sure about the time. It was a restless night, and I did not even consider leaving to find my telephone to make pictures, but I now wonder why. I think I was overwhelmed, and could not get my friend awake enough to look. I hope someone else saw this.


Please see other reports from the Myrtle Beach area for this date. PD

Posted 2018-06-01

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