NUFORC UFO Sighting 141564

Occurred: 2018-03-20 11:19 Local
Reported: 2018-05-22 15:16 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 0

Location: Wilhelmshaven (Germany), , Germany

Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects

Solid silvery object photographed above rails at Eurogate Container Terminal in Wilhelmshaven, northern Germany.

I have been visiting my uncle and aunt with my mother in Wilhelmshaven.

A coastal town situated in northeastern Germany on the west side of the Jade Bight, which is a Bay at the the North Sea.

On March the 20th, 2018, on the forenoon, my uncle, aunt, my mother and I made a sightseeing tour through Wilhlemshaven and the surrounding area.

I was sitting with my mother on the backseats of the car a Mercedes Kompressor (my mother on the left side and me on the right side) and my uncle drove and next to my uncle sat my aunt.

We where visiting the Eurogate Container Terminal as next destination. This part of the Euogate Container Terminal is normally not allowed for visitors only for authorized personnel.

There is only sign which points out to it, no gates.

My uncle said in case should we have been stopped, we just have taken the wrong street.

It is not like a military installation or smething else (at least it did not appeared like that).

I took several pictures of the area, while we where driving.

I shot the photos with my Samsung Galaxy A5 mobile phone.

As I looked at the pictures in the evening on the same day i have noticed an unidentified object which i have have not noticed when i took the pictures.

I wanted to shoot a few more photos at this particularly moment, but i thought that there would be nothing special on it only rails and fence and blue sky.

Unfortunately have not shot a few more after the photo with the object on it.

I pressed he button on the mobile phone in very short intervals (in seconds).

That is the reason why the time is on the first three photos and the fourth photo with the object on it all the same.

It was 11:19 pm when i took the pictures.

The object looks like a solid craft which is silver in color and with a reflective surface. The sun is reflected from the object`s surface.

The shape looks cone-topped or something like that.

If you look at the picture it also looks like the object is emitting some kind of force field under it.

The fence is in the middle partially invisble, displaced and multipled and the rails look displaced, too.

Also the contrail above the fence looks the same displaced.

I am goint to send you the relevant photos with inscription and without.

Posted 2018-05-31

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