NUFORC UFO Sighting 141537

Occurred: 2018-05-05 15:20 Local
Reported: 2018-05-15 07:38 Pacific
No of observers: 1

Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Two oval some what metallic objects at different altitudes crossing the sky underneath two passing jets headed in opposite directions.

Working on the Campus of IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 4th floor of the BS building looking directly West. There is always a considerable amount of airplane traffic as the Indianapolis Airport is SW of this location. That day I counted nine aircraft that where visible due to the atmospheric change that causes water vapor contrails. As I counted two aircraft appear to be headed toward each other at different altitudes. I thought it would be interesting to record a video. In the video you see me raise my Iphone clearly seeing the bell tower in the center of campus as I point the phone to the sky you see the reflection of the office window glass and just after that I zoom in on the two jets (at the 7-8 sec mark) you see the UFO cross the path below the jets from right to left at a tremendous rate of speed. At the 9 sec mark, you see similar object cross the same path at a higher altitude. (it appears smaller) I never saw the objects until I watched and slowed down the video. The objects appears oval and potentially reflective to the sunny day. The motions where great speed from right to left. In watching the video I was shocked as I didn't see the object when I first created the video. I would have never had seen them if it wasn't for the fact I wanted to see how close the two jets were getting. I lost sight as the objects went out of range.

Posted 2018-05-15

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