NUFORC Sighting 14128

Occurred: 2000-09-14 12:30 Local
Reported: 2000-09-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2.5hrs
No of observers: 4

Location: Bribie Island (Australia), , Australia

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

flashing object changes colour ! second obect- orange sphere does nothing except sit there!

i live on an island called bribie island in the state of queensland in the country of australia. around 12:30 am my wife came racing in to tell me there was a strange light in the sky . i told her she was probably looking at a falling star or a natural phenomenon. any way she argueswith me that i should come look , so i followed her outside. upon looking up at the object of my wifes concern , i decided she was not so nutts after all , we saw an object some distance off sitting about 500 metres above ground level , over the ocean , thisobject was changing colours as it flashed , it changed from green to red then to white then to orange then to blue then to white again and repeated this cycle over and over and over for the whole two and a half hours that it stayed in the sky . the obeject seemed to be moveing in small half circles and snake "S" type pattern but it did not move far from its original position . my wife and i woke up her parents who live in the apartment upstairs and they too can varify exactly what i state here. we all discussed what this object might be but none could explain it , we thought it might be a plane ...but not more than 20 mins after that idea was thought of a plane passed across the sky near the object , the difference between the to objects /craft was vary noticeable , this flashing thing was not a plane i guarentee you this much . the plane we saw crossing the sky would have come out of brisbane airport around 12:30 am and reached the island airspace by around 12:50,am i am positive any number of people aboard the plane including the pilot must have seen this object floating and flashing . the second craft was seen the following night around 6:30pm and left around 7:20pm this object was orange like a large sphere, it just hovered and did nothing it was like a orange star but it was to vivid to be a star anyway this object has been seen by other people including myself on numerous occassions , i dont want to seem crazy but this thing likes to appeaar and disapear at will around the same time in the same or similar spot most days of the week , not much else to say about it except that i am willing to answer any questions and take any mental tests you like including lie detector tests to prove i am not nuts nor am i imagining things .

Posted 2000-09-17

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