NUFORC UFO Sighting 14127

Occurred: 1978-01-05 00:00 Local
Reported: 2000-09-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Warwick, RI, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Landed

Warwick, Rhode Island Jan/Feb 1978 Red Orb

It was 1978, (Jan 25th-Feb 5th 1978)two weeks before the big Blizzard. The place was Warwick, Rhode Island, the Buttonwoods/Appanoag Section. It was sometime late at night or early morning. My parents were sleeping. I went to the bedroom window. I observed round (like a ball) light, slowly decending to the ground. The distance I'd guess was about a city block away. Since I was a child, I said to myself, "Oh a plane light fell off". I had not heard of UFO's, etc. The next day I went to my babysitter's house. I told he about the "red plane light" in a nonchalantly way. It was not a big deal to me. The babysitter's husband, worked at TF Green airport in Warwick about a mile away. When I recall his uniform it had decoration like an Airforce uniform. I guess he might have been in the service somehow. The babysitter told her Husband what I saw. The Husband came home and I overheard him telling his wife there was a lot of phone calls about the red light and that no airplanes lost lights. He proceeded to question me about it. I simply told him that I saw an airplane light fall. He made a phone call and then returned to work. As an adult now, I realize that an airplane light, if it fell off a plane, would not still be lighted up red. I researched old newspapers for any mention of this incident. For all the phone calls there supposedly were, not one mention in the local Providence Journal Bulletin.

Posted 2000-09-17

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