NUFORC UFO Sighting 139799
Occurred: 2018-04-09 21:20 LocalReported: 2018-05-09 13:38 Pacific
Duration: Several minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Algona, WA, USA
Shape: Disk
3 red-orng spheres approached, changed into a larger orange cigar.
Main witness, his wife and two sons, were on the deck and looked up to notice three objects heading toward them in the sky. The kids were excited and apprehensive. Older witnesses were calm and curious. Suddenly the furthest light morphed/appeared as a large cigar shape, perfectly identical on either side, like a disc or Frisbee when looking at it directly on as it flew. Slightly taller in the middle of object. It appeared brighter more orange in color. It kind of seemed to have fuzzy edges. Wasn't "high definition" defined. At this point the youngest started to cry and ran into the house followed by his older brother. They all then stayed put but the main witness was shocked by the sight. He tried to photograph it with his cell phone but it wouldn't show up in his viewfinder. He took photos in the direction anyway and ended up with blank black screen.. It stayed stationary for a minute then slowly moved N by NE. up the valley floor towards Snoqualmie.
As they moved north the two other spheres disappeared and they lost track of them watching the large light. The large light disappeared leaving behind the same color light but much smaller as it had moved from their SE. Directly to the E of them it changed shape and density like moving plasma and fell similar but not exactly like a leaf below the tree line down to the ground. It was bizarre. "I'm not sure if they/the lights were entities themselves that confuses me since the one got so huge and shaped like what you'd imagine to be a ufo but just illuminated no sign of metallic structure at all. Then the later translucent light fell to nothing.
Posted 2018-05-10
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