NUFORC UFO Sighting 139787
Occurred: 2018-04-13 20:47 LocalReported: 2018-05-09 07:19 Pacific
Duration: Several minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Bensalem, PA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Square shape with 4 glowing circles in the middle. Circles were rotating. off in the distance at first then directly over our house.
My husband and I were on our deck talking, listening to music and looking at the stars. Directly off our deck in the direction of the tree line on the SE horizon, I noticed an object, and told my husband “come look at this.” The object wasn't moving like a plane or helicopter, as it kept going up down left right very fast.
It had 4 round areas that were lit up and rotating (the individual circles were not rotating but the entire object) and a flashing light in the middle. It went out of sight for about 30 seconds then appeared again but this time it went way up in the sky then came above our heads. It had 4 circles but didn't rotate, the circles were blue with pink around it, it made no noise and we didn't noticed any flashing light in the middle. It hovered there for about 7-10 seconds.
My iphone was on the table but by the time I grabbed it, turned it on and pressed the camera it had moved away from our house back towards the SE horizon (that's when i was able to take 2 pictures and 3 videos (2 seconds, 14 seconds and 1:22 minutes) I had the graph on the video and was trying to keep the object inside the middle box.
I did move a few times when i was trying to look up at it towards the end. We were not afraid in the least, as you can hear from the video that my husband was yelling at it to come back. We waited for about 45 minutes but it never did.
Posted 2018-05-10
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