NUFORC UFO Sighting 139761

Occurred: 2018-05-07 22:00 Local
Reported: 2018-05-08 08:29 Pacific
Duration: ~10 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Bethel Springs, TN, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

at 21:44 t in the western sky a huge bright orange spherical object traveling from north to south visible to me for about ten seconds

It was 21:40, and when I finished my outside work for the day exhausted I went to bed when i had the feeling i was forgetting something (kind of like when I forget to turn the gas off on the stove - that is how I felt) I immediately assumed that forgot to lock the animals up. i was worried that some varmint was attacking the chickens and other fowl (as times before when i have forgotten) I grabbed my boot without lacing them grabbed a flashlight of the kitchen table ran out of the house(21:44) down the stairs toward the animal enclosures pausing briefly,listening carefully for the crowing and yelping, ready to run back in case of my fears being true, to get a weapon. when to my right I saw a huge circle in the western sky traveling from north to south in an arc type pattern the sphere was bright bright orange ( also when I first spotted it it appeared to have a single red light in the middle the red light seemed to move on the craft from the middle to the top then the light was no longer visible) the object made no sound heard no engine the whole place was quiet nothing made a sound-scary silence I have never seen any thing like this, nothing i have ever seen flying has ever been this bright this big and traveling this fast. I was stunned I went back inside right away (after I checked the locks on the doors which i did forget to lock) i was terrfied honesty at what saw.

i could send a map of where i was where i was standing where it was at ect but i am only availible by mail (ill be lucky if my email accepts mail because it is governed by the computers at the library and i dont have a phone i hope this report is useful please contact me for any additional information you might need

Posted 2018-05-10

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