NUFORC UFO Sighting 139686
Occurred: 2014-10-17 01:15 LocalReported: 2018-05-01 10:50 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Columbus, IN, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
large, flat black triangle passed overhead, observed by two adults, one a flight attendant.
A young woman, outside for a smoke, noted an approaching red light, southward bound. Her mother was summoned and both watched as a large, flat black triangle passed overhead. The object had a large central red light and a smaller red light near the leading vertex. Four white lights were spaced unevenly along each of the leading edges. The red lights pulsated slightly, while the white ones strobed irregularly at varying intensities. What looked like smoke was emitted from the rear. The UFO seemed to be 15,000 to 20,000 feet high, travelled linearly, and sometimes hovered. Moving on an ascending southwest track, it was lost behind trees. The main witness works as a flight attendant and is also a nursing student. 15 mins (MUFON Case 60475)
Posted 2018-05-04
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