NUFORC UFO Sighting 139434

Occurred: 2002-12-31 20:30 Local
Reported: 2018-04-12 19:39 Pacific
Duration: 5 min or 1 hr inc after-e
No of observers: 6

Location: Dallas, TX, USA

Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects

Large UFO with four red lights appears to do something inexplicable to the power grid in Dallas.

I have wanted to report this sighting for a long time, but could not confirm the exact date until recently. There were multiple witnesses (some very close) and physical effects (power grid disturbance).

My girlfriend asked me to follow her to pick up the kids. She didn't say why. They were at a friend's 13th birthday party on New Year's Eve. At a high point near White Rock Lake where the downtown skyline could be seen she pulled up beside my car, rolled down her window, pointed to downtown and asked, “WHAT IS THAT?” Above the neon green-lit 72-story Bank of America Plaza building, a huge object, chevron or disk-shaped with four very large red lights visible around the base which were pulsating in a strangely synchronized but unpredictable way, appeared to be almost parked on the roof. Maybe 100 feet above it. It was larger than the top of that skyscraper.I said “I have no idea”.

I wanted to stay and observe but she said, “Come on we've got to get the kids now!” and took off. I followed, glancing at the object any chance I got visibility on the way.

When we arrived the object was gone but the kids ran full speed to me saying“ (name deleted) WE SAW A UFO! WE SAW A UFO!”. They were so excited that they were tugging on my clothes. I asked, “Where was it?” They said, “RIGHT THERE!”, pointing above a large live oak in the front yard. I asked them how big it was and they said “BIG!”. I asked what shape it was, but they couldn't say for sure because it was so close that it was partially obscured by the huge live oak tree. They said it had red lights around the bottom.

It turned out that the reason we were picking them up early was because they were terrified by this object. When I went in to talk to the homeowner he said that he also saw it briefly. He said “Follow me I want to show you something”. He pointed in both directions up and down the street and said “Look at the lights.” All the street lamps and porch lights were a very dim, faint yellow in both directions as far as I could see. I had never before seen anything quite like this. It looked like all the light bulbs had been replaced by tiny yellow candles inside. It was as though 95% of all available power had been sucked out of the grid, leaving only a tiny trickle. Clear cloud-free night. I hadn't noticed this in all the excitement when we first pulled up.

He said, “Let me show you something else”. I followed him back inside and he tried to turn on his TV, but the power was so weak that it wouldn't come on. Same thing with the stereo, although the inside lights and lamps were lit, seemingly by tiny candles.

I asked “How long has it been like this?” He said, “Ever since the kids ran in screaming about the UFO”.

That's about it. The next day (New Year's Day), my friend said that the power returned to normal perhaps an hour or two after we left.

I found a match for this object when I ran across this video from Turkey:

At the very end you can see an object racing off over the water near dawn and it has the exact same four red lights! Same object with no doubt. Starting at 3:13 into the 3:58 video.

Posted 2018-04-13

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