NUFORC UFO Sighting 139423
Occurred: 2017-12-21 18:00 LocalReported: 2018-04-12 09:49 Pacific
Duration: 5-7 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Wethersfield/Hartford line, CT, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Triangular lights, hovering, no sound....
I was with my wife,heading south, going to store in my auto. noticed a bright white flash of light in sky the about 6 city blocks from me .thought it might be a low flying helicopter.proceeded south and noticed 2 yellowish orange lights where the initial flash came from.
I then pulled into store parking lot, almost under lights.grabbed my binoculars and got out of the car.looked up and could see nothing but blacker than the sky and still 2 lights.leaned down into car and said to my wife,do u see that?what the hell is that? Looked up,now 3 lights in triangle shape, hovering...still no sound, and had a Feeling it or they seen me....whatever it was ,was big,based on light pattern,and i would say it was about 400 yards in the air,i am not positive, but i would say 3 or 4 football fields in the air. still not seeing anything thru binocs but blacker than the sky triangle. i put binocs in car, look up and its a 360 and the only thing i see is a small rectangle of! light as bright as the first flash i seen, heading north/ northeast and getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared from my view in a heartbeat. still dumbfounded....not a big UFO guy.
Didnt know who to report it too or if i should even bother. But i cant stop wondering what this was. can be reached by email provided if necessary. thank you.
Posted 2018-04-13
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