NUFORC UFO Sighting 13909

Occurred: 2000-08-18 20:00 Local
Reported: 2000-08-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 4

Location: Zortman, MT, USA

Shape: Other

Object able to change its direction at anytime without having to slow down. Very erratic behavior

While laying watching the stars I and my friends noticed first what we thought to be a satelite or a piece of space junk. Upon watching it we noticed that it was not moving across the sky but was changing directions rapidly, going in circles, going in every direction much like the beam from a laser pointer when aimed at a wall. It was very high up as it went behind clouds and was about as bright as a star. We watched it until a cloud bank moved in and covered our view of it. I have seen satelites and space unk as it moved across the sky and am sure that it was niether seeing it stayed in the same area above us for the 2 hours we observed it. I am very curious what this may have been and any knowledge on this would be greatly appreciated THank You

Posted 2000-09-17

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