NUFORC UFO Sighting 139034
Occurred: 2018-03-01 21:00 LocalReported: 2018-03-03 12:27 Pacific
Duration: 30
No of observers: 2
Location: Colorado City, CO, USA
Shape: Rectangle
Huge linear spot lights blinking on side of object!
Seemed linear in shape, huge spot lights going down side, lights would appear then go off and re-appear in different area. Very large craft, and no noise comming from if. It flew right over my house then hovered in the valley north of my house. It was almost stealth in motion. There was only one craft.
It was a full moon out and you could see the whole valley light in daytime, but could not actually see the craft, I could only speculate it was linear because of way lights were going down side of it!
I live in the country and big open space in backyard, we were in hot tub when my girlfriend saw it over neighbors house! The light were huge Amber color! There were posts all over community FB of what people saw, and also videos posted on FB. My girlfriend filmed it for 6 min on smartphone, people reported seeing same lights in Pueblo West, 25 miles north from me!
Posted 2018-03-08
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