NUFORC UFO Sighting 138973
Occurred: 1975-06-01 23:15 LocalReported: 2018-02-27 13:41 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Morganton, GA, USA
Shape: Disk
Before this event I had epilepsy and was supposed to have it for life. After this event I no longer had epilepsy. In the summer of 1975 my family and I had seen UFO'S in Crabbapple, Georgia on our way home from Marietta one evening. This intrigued us to watch the premier of the movie about the alien abduction of Barney and Betty Hill.
As we were watching the movie, my older brother asked me if I thought UFO's were real and I reminded him about what we saw in Crabapple that one evening, but he asked about the ones in the movie, I answered if they are real may God send them here tonight and cure me of my epilepsy, which of course upset my mother. We continued to watch the movie until it went off and the 11 o'clock news came on.
As we were watching the news a bright light suddenly appeared over the back of the house over the end of the patio. My mother told my sister to turn off the back patio light, but I sat there in wonder because the light wasn't coming from outside the kitchen door and it was to big and bright to be the light on the back of the house. The moment she told my mother the patio light was off my older brother and I ran to the front door and out of the house. We immediately looked above the big oak tree and we could see a disc like object above the tree with light beaming behind the tree and house. There was the sound of the leaves moving like wind blowing on them in the top of the tree but we couldn't feel any breeze at all. My mother came out after us and she too was trying to make out what this object was above the tree then I looked in the sky over the front pasture and a gray metallic disk about 12-14 ft diameter just like on the movie was hovering in the sky about 15 ft past the fence. We all looked at it and could even see the alien pilot through a window in the craft.
It hovered there for about 2-3 minutes after we saw it then it speedily sped across the road Hwy 76 and a mountain range. I looked back at the tree top and that craft was still there with the light on. I could not see the mother ship; it was attached to until later on after the 3 discs had attached to it and it began to move but I'll get to that later. After a minute or two after the disc flew South over the road it appeared to fly back from over the ridge two houses East of where I thought it went. It came back and hovered in the same spot as before and hovered there for about a minute or two then another one came racing from the East on our side of the road and the disc which was hovering in the initial spot shot to the East chasing the other disc and they flew Southwest and out of sight. A few moments later the another disc came flying back from over the road and ridge and hovered in the same spot as before. It sat there for over a minute then it eased toward the craft over the tree and attacked itself to a craft I couldn't see.
About a minute later the two discs chasing each other raced back from the East and one of them returned to hover in the initial spot while the other one sho! t back over the road. It eased over my head and attached to the opposite side of the invisible craft making a triangular pattern with the other two discs.
About a minute after that the last disc came back from across the road and eased above the left above me and attached to the invisible mother ship in line with the discs on the left forming a backwards check. I wondered if another disc was going to come and complete a triangle, but it didn't. Instead the last disc moved slowly to the East forming a diamond of all 4 discs.
Afterward the ship started easing to the right and there was a reflection of stars rolling across the bottom of it which made me realize that I had been standing directly under the mother ship the whole time. As it lifted up and to the East, I watched in total amazement because this part wasn't included in the movie. It rose to about 25-30 ft, and before it shot off, I remember the pyramid or triangular shape in the back but underneath the 4 discs were in a diamond formation. But before it even moved to take off it turned off the light over the back of the house and I could clearly see the disc on the front bottom of the ship and it too put out a golden light like the other 3 discs.
That weekend my father came home from Marietta. He watched the same movie and his mother's house. How we found out was at the dinner table while having supper. He asked us who moved all of the cattle from the front pasture to the back pasture. Nobody including our ranch hand had moved the cattle. So my dad asked us how the cattle got moved Mom and I explained what she, my older brother and I saw until the point her and my older brother came back in the house. I had to explain what I saw afterwards. He asked my mother why she didnt make me come back in she said I refused because I thought they were going to heal me from epilepsy. The next day I went with my dad and ranch hand to look at 3 dead head of cattle. We lost 2 heifers and a bull to mutilation. I was sworn to secrecy by my father not to even tell my mother and! siblings about them other than I had to say I saw claw marks like bear marks to support my dad saying the cattle was killed by a bear, but in reality there were not claw marks and the cut marks on the face of one of the heifers was precision. Our neighbors the ((name deleted)) had some of their cattle mutilated and I broke my silence to a member of their family in my class and my family going to their house for dinner one day our fathers agreed to tell everyone who asked that their cattle were killed by bears. We were sworn to secrecy because my father did not want us being held on a military base and me and other members being government guinea pigs. In 2005, I saw a show about UFO's and saw footage of one being chased by a US fighter pilot. It had 4 discs underneath and reflected the clouds like it has a cloaking device in Star Trek. The pilot claims he tried to fire on the object but his weapons wouldn't work. You can pass word to him that he isn't alone seeing that craft. Those! circles underneath it are saucers that detach separately but are smaller discs than others I've seen, even though they look similar.
Posted 2018-03-02
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