NUFORC UFO Sighting 138970

Occurred: 2018-02-27 04:30 Local
Reported: 2018-02-27 12:04 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Ulster, PA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Emitted other objects, Animals reacted

UFO Breaks The sound Barrier Twice?

Last night two of my friends wanted to come over to my place to hangout to have a usual guys night. We did what we always do, go out to get something to eat, have a few drinks, and come back to my place to crash. My one friend was having some family issues so he decided to drink a little bit more (a lot more) than usual. He then laid down in my bed when we got back and went into a deep drunken sleep. While my other friend and I decided to stay up play some video games and talk about some things. It was about 4:30 am when heard a very loud BOOM. One that shook the house so hard that woke my very intoxicated friend right out of his deep slumber. He wasn’t all there so he didn’t know what was going on. My other friend and I on the other hand quickly looked out the window to see if there was a transformer that blew or something along those lines . We then heard the fire department sirens from down the road go off. At that point we just assumed it was a blown transformer, but shortly after the first boom about 5 minutes we then heard another big BOOM just as loud if not louder than the first one and then saw multiple lighting bolts shock their way into the sky along with an object that shot up along with it almost as if it were some form of projectile. Curious to see what was happening the three of us drove around by the fire department to see what was going on. A volunteer fire fighter that I went to high school with a couple years back then told me that these loud booms came from the woods up on one of the mountains, and that they went up to see if there was a forest fire. Some of the residents that they talked to said that they also saw the lightning bolts shock their way from towards the ground into the sky. To top this all off the women that owns the antique store said that her dogs were acting strange, barking at nothing moments before the first boom and that her son that lives across the street were doing the same. The fire! fighters also stated that they could find no evidence of a lig! htning s trike no smoke, fire, nothing from where the lightning originated. It makes me wonder where this ETC came from. After processing what happened I think that this UFO broke the sound barrier as it was entering the atmosphere and did the same as it shot up and left the atmosphere. I can’t give a certain description on what this “ufo” looked like because I thought it was a spherical shaped and my friend said it looked like the shape of a cucumber. I’m not sure if its because this object was going fast or if it was because it was the beginning of the morning and was a little dark for us to get a good look. I would like to know more about what happened so if anyone might know feel free to get ahold of me.


We spoke via telephone with the source of the report, and found him to be quite evasive and dismissive about his report. He did not want to speak with a local newspaper journalist. We suspect a hoax. PD

Posted 2018-03-02

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