NUFORC UFO Sighting 138958

Occurred: 2015-04-10 07:30 Local
Reported: 2018-02-26 08:48 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: East Arlington, VT, USA

Shape: Diamond

Enormous metallic object

I was driving down Route 313 to merge onto Route 7 towards Bennington, VT. It was a partly cloudy day. I looked up into the sky to see an enormous bulky heavy looking metallic object hovering completely motionless in the sky far above the tree line. It was a very irregular shape hexagon/diamond only about 50% of it was visible because of the thick white clouds. There were no lights coming from it. It was covered with dark grey metallic panels of various sizes and there were many smaller areas that protruded in various directions. I looked down to grab my phone to take a picture by the time I picked up my phone and opened the camera, the clouds moved over the edge of the object and covered it completely. He object was so enormous and so heavy looking it is absolutely impossible that it was something from this planet.

Posted 2018-03-02

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