NUFORC UFO Sighting 138895

Occurred: 2018-02-14 20:00 Local
Reported: 2018-02-21 13:16 Pacific
Duration: 25 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: San Antonio, TX, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

spacecraft seen by two people over power lines, poles, and electrical cables

On Wednesday, February 14, my husband and I returned to our San Antonio, Texas apartment complex at around 7:45 PM. As we got out of the car we heard a loud rumbling, with a kind of chugging undertone, and it sounded unfamiliar. When we got off the elevator and walked to our apartment we saw what appeared to be oval-shaped planes flying much too low… somewhat shocked, we walked inside our apartment, went to the large living room windows, and saw two spacecraft directly across the street, in the sky.

They were a silver metallic color, larger than helicopters, and they “parked” directly above poles for electricity and cables. There were two spacecraft, and one of them faced the other, a bit lower, and at an angle.

I had a better view of the one on the right, and there two lit windows on the side – gold light. Both of them were square, and one window was smaller than the other.

No wings attached to the spacecraft.

They were stationary over the power lines and the poles for approximately 20- 25 minutes. I would come back to check if they were still there from time to time. When I was away from the window we heard the loud rumbling noise again. I went to the window – they were gone.

I did hear the same rumbling two more times during the next 48 hours, but no sighting.

I should mention that previously on Monday, Feb. 12, I saw an owl in a tree through the same living room window. The tree it stood in is only about 15 feet from these poles and power lines for electrical cables, etc! And very unusual to see an owl here, and this close on a city street.

The owl was asleep, woke up, and looked directly at me before it flew away.

Posted 2018-02-22

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