NUFORC UFO Sighting 13884
Occurred: 2000-08-08 19:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2000-08-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: New York City (Staten Island), NY, USA
Shape: Changing
gray shiny object changing from oblong to round to flat disk traveling from south to north in daytime sky.
I was walking east when i looked up & noticed this thing going from north to south. It was changing shape from oblong to round then flat like a disk, almost like it was rolling NOT floating along. It was gray in color and would get shiny because of the setting sun on the west. This was weird! In Staten Island?? I dont know what it was, i thought maybe a balloon or something let loose(?). It did look like it was traveling a set path though, a definite direction. Luckily I had my camera with me and snapped a picture of it. And when the pic came back developed there were 2 of them! Is it possible for one thing on a snapshot to be double-exposed? Everything else on the photo is normal. I am sending the photo to you via postal mail for further professional examination, I would like to know what this was. Please inform me of your findings. Thank you.
Posted 2000-08-25
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